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Freedom has come

Vice President Lukas Hinder / Harald Frahm

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Vice President Lukas Hinder / Harald Frahm Empty Vice President Lukas Hinder / Harald Frahm

Post  ChaCha Tue 6 Dec - 20:27

Harald Frahm Hi Michael, you´ve talked me out of the heart! BUT (!) , you must know that not the couples in majority elect the officials and representatives of the associations. In most of the countries there are a handful of officials with best connection to WDSF, and inside their association, with big influence for invitations of adjudicators - inside DTV for example the sportsdirector. He is the secret leader of DTV and for a membership in the WDSF presidium he expresses much support to the politic of WDSF - specific the politic of war against WDC and for example the german prof.organisation DPV. We had peace in Germany so long I can think between amateurs and professionals. And to my time as german DTV president I was happy to bring the professionals under the umbrella of the DTV as associate member. Now all friendship is destroyed. Professionals begin with an amateur league, the DTV create a prof.league, beginning next year. And in WDSF, special the 1. VicePresident Lukas Hinder (he is the secret leader in the managing committee and most responsible for all "war actions" against WDC and their supporter) they enjoy the stupidity of the members.....Sorry it is hard for me to say this, but this development in the international dancsport scene began after leaving my membership in former IDSF presidium (as 1. VicePresident) 2005.

Michael Bildner
Hello All,

in connection to the below the German Dancesport Federation DTV has officially posted on their website some weeks ago on behalf of the WDSF that only Blackpool and WSDF events in England are allowed, all others are prohibited including the UK and International in 2012.
How long does the dancers take this goverment from the WDSF preventing you to dance on event of your choise? It is always an option to elect people in your respective country that represents you and not the WDSF as it should be. It is no surprise that the IOC voted against Dancing as an Olympic Sport with such manners and dictation of the WDSF.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 140
Anmeldedatum : 2008-11-05

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Vice President Lukas Hinder / Harald Frahm Empty Richard Gleave

Post  ChaCha Tue 6 Dec - 21:09

Richard Gleave posted to Freedom to dance
The need to control dancers stems from the lack of power. Banning is a form of violence, an inffectual substitue for power. Banning couples is based on revenge. Many political systems begin with true power but as time goes on they become co-opted by self seekers and end up relying increasingly on force until they final fall in disgrace as happend in Italy and Russia recently. To ban couples who have done no wrong is a breach of HUMAN RIGHTS- they are being denied their right to the freedom to dance and I urge all Australian dancers to support your fellow banned competitors. YOU have the freedom to dance.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 140
Anmeldedatum : 2008-11-05

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Vice President Lukas Hinder / Harald Frahm Empty Re: Vice President Lukas Hinder / Harald Frahm

Post  onyourheels Sat 10 Dec - 15:19

That is indeed a very interesting post.

The DTV was taken hostage by his excellence Mr. Lukas Hinder, a very basic educated sort of a lawyer that only acts from behind the scene since he is to cowerdish to fight in the open.

Very good people were one on board of the DTV / ICAD the later IDSF and than a few took over trying to make it a money machine.

It is good the DPV left the DTV. We have cleared the frontlines. So did SwissDance when they terminated the contract with the SATV later called the STSV. These are Rulers that find symbols in the early centuries in England.
I’m convinced many managers in the DTV would rather go a different way – but you have to have some balls (guts) to do so.

That is not everybodies biz. Were are the real leaders, people with charisma in the DTV in these days?
Where do we have people with the format of Rudi Trautz, Karl Breuer and so many others?

The DTV should start a petition: ask all the active dancers: do you want to join the WDC_AL
or stick with the corrupt one eye sighted IDSF?

Do you want to belong to an ORG that put spells and bans on dancers? How can you execute your hobby (Freizeit – your well deserved free spare time) and still have the does and don’t’s!!! you have in your job already? Masochists?

Do we still have the OBRIGKEITSGEHORSAM? Or the vorauseilender Gehorsam.

“Bitte befiehl – wir folgen mentality?” That game should have been over a long time ago, doen’t it?

Do you want to support a Mr. Freitag, who only knows about 8 dances …… and the Hindering Man from Zurich-Oerlikon?

It is like Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham. Maybe we are all waiting for King Richard the Lionheart to return from the Middle East were he fought the crusades.

What do we learn from history:
Robin Hood was a heroic outlaw in English folklore. A highly skilled archer and swordsman, he is known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor", assisted by a group of fellow outlaws known as his "Merry Men". The origin of the legend is claimed by some to have stemmed from actual outlaws, or from ballads or tales of outlaws.

Robin Hood became a popular folk figure in the medieval period continuing through to modern literature, films and television. In the earliest sources, Robin Hood is a yeoman, but he was often later portrayed as an aristocrat wrongfully dispossessed of his lands and made into an outlaw by an unscrupulous sheriff.

To explain quickly what a yeoman was: Yeoman refers chiefly to a free man owning his own farm. Work requiring a great deal of effort or labor, such as would be done by a yeoman farmer, came to be described as "yeoman's work". Thus yeoman became associated with hard toil. (This is why the Profs had to leave the Amat.).
Amateurs can't tell Pros what to do - Professionals work hard, make money with dancing, are trained and educated dancers. It is NOT their Hobby. It is their Profession. Like the yeomen. Do we have Amateur Dentists?

In popular culture, Robin Hood is typically seen as a contemporary and supporter of the late 12th-century king Richard the Lionheart, Robin being driven to outlawry during the misrule of Richard's brother John while Richard was away at the Third Crusade.

What our strategy and goal in dancesport has to be: We have to work more together less politics.
Kick the politicians out and let the dancers do the business. We don’t need people like Hinders + Co.
They are the hindering people that destroy our ART OF DANCING = Ballroom.

If they can’t do it: fire them.

onyourheels - ->keep the hindering people on their toes


Anzahl der Beiträge : 55
Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-26

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Vice President Lukas Hinder / Harald Frahm Empty WDSF Are they going to produce Strictly Ballroom again by the rules they make

Post  ChaCha Tue 13 Dec - 10:01

This has all started as the top 6 dancers from Australian have all been banned because they had been dancing in freedom to dance competitions.

Melanie Grocke
This interview with Matthew Rooke and Anna Longmore appeared on ABC Television in Australia last night. Interesting comments by the Australian Championship Organiser that this issue has nothing to do with the dancers!

TWO ballroom dancing champions were ejected from a national competition last night for wearing a yellow sash.

Matthew Rooke and Anna Longmore wore the sash in support of their peers during a victory dance at the Australian Dancesport Championships at Hisense Arena.

This year, the World Dancesport Federation suspended six couples, including several Australian champions, for dancing in competitions not registered with the WDF.

Some of those dancers were not allowed to compete or defend their titles in Melbourne last night. Mr Rooke and Ms Longmore wore the yellow sash in support of the suspended dancers.

The Victorian couple are ranked 12th in the world.

But in scenes straight out of Strictly Ballroom, incensed organisers ejected Mr Rooke and Ms Longmire for their stand.

Organisers could not be reached for comment last night.

A stunned Mr Rooke said: "This is my 20th year dancing in the Australian championships, I've just won my 11th title in a row and they throw me out of the building. It's a disgrace.

"I've given 20 years of my life to dancing. I decided to make a silent protest in support of my peers who weren't allowed to dance.

"There was no riot. We just wore a yellow sash."

But Mr Rooke claimed Australian Dancesport Championship organisers said they "were inciting trouble" by wearing the yellow sash.

"We won, we did our honour dance, then security told us we would be ejected from the building," Mr Rooke said.

"I can't believe it. It is upsetting. We made a silent protest in honour of our fellow dancers and we get ejected by security for it.

"We travel the world dancing and I've never seen anything like this."

The couple said tensions in the dance world had simmered for the past six months over the right to compete in events of the dancers' choice.

"We all want to see couples allowed to dance whenever and wherever they want," Ms Longmore said. Despite being ousted from the building, Mr Rooke and Ms Longmore retained their titles and prizemoney.


Anzahl der Beiträge : 140
Anmeldedatum : 2008-11-05

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Vice President Lukas Hinder / Harald Frahm Empty WDSF - ich bin der Herr, Dein Verband. Du sollst keine anderen Verbände neben mir haben … verdammt wo habe ich das schon einmal gelesen?

Post  onyourheels Thu 15 Dec - 12:54

Freedom to Dance

15. Dezember 2011By Michael Pohle
Ein knackiges Selbstverständnis – ja, das hat der WDSF (World DanceSport Federation): “The WDSF is the world governing body for DanceSport” – so steht’s auf der Homepage. Übertragen ins Deutsche ergibt sich in etwa: “Der WDSF ist der Welt-Dachverband des Tanzsports”.

Mehr geht nicht, den Tanzsportlern bleibt nur noch Demut: ich bin der Herr, Dein Verband. Du sollst keine anderen Verbände neben mir haben … verdammt wo habe ich das schon einmal gelesen?

Klar, auf solch’ göttlich Humus gedeihen die schönsten Stilblüten. Über eines dieser Gewächse berichtete der Tanz-Michel. “Strictly Ballroom – die gegen alle Regeln tanzen” ist die Überschrift.

Matthew Rooke und Anna Longmore – bestes Tanzpaar Australiens – sind von der Security aus aus der Halle … geleitet worden, da Anna sich ein gelbes Band um ihre Hüften geschlungen hatte. Das gelbes Band – Symbol der Solidarität für sechs andere Paare, die von der Meisterschaft ausgeschlossen wurden, weil diese Paare am “Freedom to Dance”-Tanzturnier teilgenommen hatten. Zum Artikel.

Andere Publikationen sprechen gar von einer “brawl” – “lautstarken Schlägerei”: “Sequins fly in ballroom brawl” – Pailletten flogen in Ballsaal-Schlägerei – so eine mögliche Übersetzung. Zum Artikel in der Herald Sun.

Nun erhebt sich die Frage – wo ist es besser? Besser? Sorry, so wie es scheint, ist’s woanders zwar anders, aber ob’s besser ist – ein Beispiel.

Am 10.12 gab’s in Neu-Isenburg die Deutschen Meisterschaft Tango Argentino – Veranstalter war TAF (The Actiondance Federation). Meister wurde Torsten Thiele + Viktoria Baumann, auf den silberne Rang kamen Reinhold Stumpf + Britta Roßbach. Am 15.12 erschien ein Artikel in der “Main-Spitze”, der ein interessantes Licht auf diese Meisterschaft wirft.

Reiner Stumpf macht in diesem Artikel seine Enttäuschung über den zweiten Platz Luft. Sinngemäß: “Wir werden nicht mehr bei TAF tanzen – wie haben als Amateure dort nichts verloren”. Der Gewinner des Turniers – so in der Main-Spitze zu lesen – ist Tanzlehrer im Tango Argentino, hat zwei eigene Tanzschulen und richtet zufällig 2013 die DM im Tango Argentino aus. Da bleibt den Chronisten nur noch der Griff zum Liebling-Bonmot: Honi soit qui mal y pense. Zum Artikel in Main Spitze

Einen Köstlichkeit zum Abschluss. Auf dem Internet-Magazin “Wolfshöhle” fand ich unter Überschrift “Finger weg vom Tango-Argentino” folgenden Kommentar einer – wie mir scheint – wahrlich klugen – “Wölfin”:

“Um Gottes Willen! Liebe Verbände, lasst bitte, bitte, eure Finger vom Tango-Argentino! Ihr habt ihn schon einmal vereinnahmt und was daraus geworden ist, wissen wir ja. Lasst den Argentino frei wie er ist, zwängt ihn nicht in ein Korsett wie alle anderen Tänze. Verschont ihn von vorgeschriebenen Haltungen und “Figurenfolgen”. Lasst den Argentino-Tänzern ihre Leidenschaft und Ihre Interpretationen. Verschont ihn vor Wettbewerben jeglicher Art, bitte!”

onyourheels möchte noch ergänzen zu Freedom to Dance - wer widerspricht begeht Blasphemie! Jawohl - wer früher gegen den Führer war wurde an die Wand gestellt - es ist doch eigentartig. Der gute Karl Freitag kommt ja auch aus Deutschland....... der muss irgend ein falsches Gen mitbekommen haben- vielleicht noch zuviel Einfluss aus der Franco-Zeit? - Man darf ja mal fragen, oder? Hat der vielleicht gar nicht gemerkt, dass die Welt sich geändert hat? Aber es laufen ja noch mehr solche Möchte-Gerne-Tänzer rum beim WDSF und weil sie nur dort wirklich zu Macht kommen, mussten sie sich einen eigenen Verband leisten. Aber: es gibt natürlich auch sehr viele ehrenwerte Tänzerinnen und Tänzern die quasi in Schutzhaft genommen wurden.... damit ihnen beim WDC nichts Böses passieren kann :-)

Klüüter Dööns
Moin moin nach Hamburg! Wat mot dat mot. Hartlik willkoomen op min Plattdütsch. Plattdüütsch is een Sprook met bannig veel Dialekts. Dat is wie bei den WDSFfer......


Anzahl der Beiträge : 55
Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-26

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